Amana Hot Yoga

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Amana Hot Yoga combines technology with the ancient discipline of yoga. Hot yoga heating offers waves of energy that penetrate deep into the human body (approx. 4 cm) gently elevating the body’s surface temperature and detoxifying the body at a cellular level while burning fat, De-stressing, and improving your flexibility and strength.


 Other benefits include joint mobility, promoting healing, reducing muscle stiffness and pain, decreasing soreness and inflammation, increasing circulation, improving skin tone (it will even heal sunburn), promoting weight loss, enhancing heart function, lowering blood pressure, reducing tension, and speed cancer recovery.

 Amana  Yoga For Everybody – Beginners Level  1 & 2 Heated & Unheated


Sporty beautiful young beginning yoga student in white sportswear sitting in head to knee forward bend pose leaning on wooden block, doing Janu Sirsasana variation, studio full length isolated shot

Yoga can seem intimidating and finding the right class can be confusing. In this beginners class, we will start from the ground up, keeping an eye on your alignment every step of the way.

You will discover how your breath can ease not only your mind but help you deepen your practice as well. Together we will find out how the poses can work for you personally. We will work on breath control and poses.

After taking this class you will begin to feel comfortable in most of the other classes we offer.

Amana Yoga Flow



   Series of poses (asana) with constant movement using vinyasa (movement with breath) to link one asana to the next through a series of counter-poses. The movement is linked with the rhythms of the breath to take the practice beyond a physical experience. The sequence conditions the entire body by building strength and improving flexibility. The vinyasa (movement with breath) assists in building heat to help relax the muscles and create greater flexibility. Each pose is designed to align the spine in such a way that at the end of the practice, the body will be in perfect alignment.
