Amana Yoga is located in Saint John, New Brunswick we pride ourselves on offering Yoga, Pilates, and Barre classes as well as specialized Workshops to the greater Saint John area. It is our pleasure to support our community with tools to gain optimal health and well-being. Our mind/body yoga, meditation and Ayurveda programs promote harmony, balance, happiness, and fulfillment.
Many people today practice yoga for physical benefits like increased flexibility, strength and better balance. However, these are only some of the many benefits practitioners can expect to enjoy. Other benefits include reduced stress, better concentration, and more restful sleep to name just a few. At Amana Yoga, we offer instruction in both classical and modern styles. We have classes designed for people of all ages and abilities including prenatal and Yoga for kids.
We have Classical Pilates Classes which are set to a more specific exercise routine developed by Joseph Pilates and performed in the same order. We also have the more Contemporary STOTT Pilates that involves variations of Pilates movements and repertoire. If you are unfamiliar with Pilates it is a challenging practice that is also accessible to beginners. Just like Yoga, we work in progression and do what our bodies can do and have a mindset to move to the next challenge in the exercise as our body becomes stronger. In Pilates, we focus on breath, centring, concentration, connection, precision, and flow.
Meditation is the natural companion of yoga. Through yoga, we begin to practice deep relaxation, harmonizing breath, body and mind. In meditation, we deepen those skills finding inward peace and silence. Eastern cultures have long recognized the rewards of enhanced creativity, emotional balance and a sense of well-being, a consistent meditation practice brings. Today meditation is used by people worldwide for the same benefits as well as to manage other health issues like chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Through our Sounds of Silence program, we teach you the tools to create your own life-enhancing practice.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old system of medicine from India. At its root is the idea of holistic health and longevity—Veda meaning “knowledge” and Ayur meaning “life”.
According to Ayurveda, health is a state of vibrant balance in which all the layers of one’s life are integrated—seeking to correct the imbalances that cause distress and, ultimately, contribute to disease. The goal of Ayurveda is prevention as well as promotion of the body’s own capacity for healing.
Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation have many benefits and the following are just a few:
• Body Awareness • Posture
• Flexibility • Imagination
• Strength • Creativity
• Concentration • Tension Release
Take a look at our Winter Schedule