Born and raised on a tropical island in China, Haiping discovered yoga when she immigrated to Canada twenty-two years ago to attend university. It has become a lifetime journey of practice and learning.
As an Associate Wealth & Investment Advisor with RBC Dominion Securities, Haiping discovered how yoga helped her find a life balance. In between work and her personal life, Haiping uses yoga for a meaningful balance to maintain mental and physical health. In 2020, she became a certified yoga instructor with Amana Institute Yoga Studio. Haiping strives to help others find relaxation in their day, peace in their heart while building strength and confidence in their body and their mind.
A graduate of the University of New Brunswick, BBA, MBA, Haiping is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI), and a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM). Outside of life in finance, Haiping is active in volunteering and community service. She is a director of the Greater Saint John Community Foundation and serves on the Foundation’s granting committee. In 2023, Haiping was featured in Canadian Immigrant Magazine in their Tenth Annual Immigration Women of Inspiration which features five women in finance.