Amana Yoga 28-Day Rejuvenation Challenge

Join us for the Amana Yoga 28-Day Rejuvenation Challenge! Starts Thursday Feb 1st.  Check @amanayogasj every morning to see what the pose of the day is! Post a pic of you doing your version of the pose, tag us in the post and use the #AmanaYogasj and #Amana28DayChallenge hashtags!IMG_3724-300x200

For each daily pose you post on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll earn one entry, so you can enter up to 28 times for your chance to win a free month of yoga or a 20-class pass and if you participate in a yoga, spin or fitness class everyday for 28 days receive 500 perkville reward points on your account.

How to win:
– Repost the flyer
– Follow @amanayogasj
– Tag us in your photos
– Use the #AmanaYoga &